Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gatuxedo's Summer Coasters Pattern

A few words
Because I've been having headaches more than ever in my life in the last three days, I've had to avoid computer, movies, reading and crocheting. Yes, that's no fun at all. Guess what I've been doing? Resting. Yes, resting. I decided that I need to put my obsessions off from time to time and stop trying to do everything, so that's probably what the headaches meant. But I cheated, because water marks annoy me so much that I decided to crochet a set of coasters, a small project that took less than 1 hour and today I'm feeling better. I didn't have to buy new yarn cause I already had tons of scrap and fortunately different weights/fibers. 

I don't think I've ever mentioned over here that Berroco yarns are my favorite so far. They are so soft and pretty, although they could be a bit pricey. I made a mistake once when trying to buy berroco weekend and I got weekend chunky, because I was in a hurry and I desperately needed black yarn to complete a shrug. Well, the shrug is still uncomplete, and the yarn was on sale so I couldn't go back and exchange it. Weekend requires a 4mm hook and Chunky a 6mm and I am in love with both so much I decided to keep the hank. So the Gatuxedo's Summer Coasters worked perfect with my Berroco Chunky (Black). 

The yarn I used for the center of the coasters was an accident too. I ran into a sale that Hill Country Weavers in Austin was having a couple of months ago, where they had baskets of discontinued Berroco yarn. It's called Berroco Suede. It's a 100% nylon ribbon and it is, believe me, the softest thing ever, real dreamy. So, I grabbed one ball in Chicopee, a multicolor beauty, for something like $2.50. Today I really wish I had taken 10 balls, cause it's just the loveliest thing ever. You know what makes it suitable for this project? If it gets wet it won't get hairy like most yarns. The cons are that you can't wash it in the machine. I hope I can find more of this yarn somewhere, I know all there is is left overs.

For the outline yarn I used again my Retro Yarn I bought in Mexico. I have 10 different colors but I wanted to keep it tuned with my living room colors which are all warm: reds and golden yellows, browns and pearly mattes. I also needed some blue boost cause I don't like perfect stuff. 

The pattern (American English)
Abbreviations: R# (Round - please note that this pattern is worked in rounds), CH (Chain), SC (Single Crochet), SLST (Slip Stitch), DC (Double Crochet). [ If you are still learning to crochet you can click on the links in the parenthesys and they'll take you to a section on my blog with video tutorials. ]

R1: Using a 4mm hook and the suede nylon ribbon (or anything similar), Ch3, SlSt into first Ch to make a ring. Ch3, 12DC in the ring and SlSt into top of first DC. 

R2: Ch3, 1DC in same stitch, 2DC in each stitch all around, SlSt into top of first DC. Total stitches 24.

R3: Ch3, (1DC, 2DC in same stitch) all around. SlSt into top of first DC. Total Stitches 36.

R4: Using a 6mm hook and Berroco Chunky yarn (or any other suitable yarn of similar ply) get your hook thru the same loop where you worked your last SlSt and pull the new chunky yarn thru the loop to join, Ch1 and work 1SC into each stitch around, joining with a SlSt on first Ch. 

R5: Using any other yarn of lighter weight and your preference of color with 4mm hook, join again in the same way in the same stitch where you worked your last SlSt and Ch1, work 1 SC into each stitch around, join with SlSt into the first Ch. Fasten off.

Was that difficult at all?  Happy Summer time to y'all!

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